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Comments API

The Comments API allows you to create, update, delete, and retrieve comments associated with content, enabling users to engage in discussions and share their thoughts on posts.


Creating a Comment

To allow users to comment on a post, use the POST v1/comments endpoint.

Request Body

profileIdstringThe ID of the profile creating the comment.
contentIdstringThe ID of the content being commented on.
textstringThe text content of the comment.


"success": true,
"commentId": "comment-1234567890"

Update a Comment

If a user wants to edit their comment, use the PUT v1/comments/:commentId endpoint.

PUT v1/comments/:commentId

Request Body

textstringThe updated text of the comment.


"success": true,
"commentId": "comment-1234567890"

Delete a Comment

To allow users to delete their comments, use the DELETE v1/comments/:commentId endpoint.

DELETE v1/comments/:commentId


"success": true

Get Comments by Content

To retrieve comments about a specific post, use the GET v1/comments?contentId=:contentId endpoint.

GET v1/comments?contentId=:contentId

Query Parameters

contentIdstringThe ID of the content to get comments for.


"comment": {
"id": "comment-1234567890",
"text": "Great content!",
"createdAt": 1621234567890
"author": {
"id": "profile-1234567890",
"username": "johndoe"

Get Comments by Profile

To retrieve comments authored by a specific user, use the GET v1/comments?profileId=:profileId endpoint.

GET v1/comments?profileId=:profileId

Query Parameters

profileIdstringThe ID of the profile to get comments from.


"contentId": "content-1234567890",
"comment": {
"id": "comment-1234567890",
"text": "Great content!",
"createdAt": 1621234567890


All comments endpoints require an API key to be provided in the apiKey query parameter for authentication.

Error Handling

In case of an error, the API will respond with an appropriate HTTP status code and an error message in the response body.

"success": false,
"error": "Error message"