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Creating a Profile UI

Here’s how to create a simple profile page. We’ll use GET profile, GET followers, and GET following to display information about a user and their social connections.

To get their username, we can pass their id or username to GET profile

await fetch(

And let’s imagine our UI has a field for users to update their bio and profile picture. We can add these to their profile on the protocol using PUT profile/update

await fetch('', {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
properties: [
key: '',
value: '',
blockchain: 'Solana',
namespace: 'Primitives',

Now, we will get all of this information back when we call GET profile again:

  • username
  • bio
  • profile image
  • following count
  • followers count

To enable users to click inside the following & followers counts and get information on each user, we can GET following and GET followers.

await fetch(
await fetch(

These calls will return data in the following structure:

"properties": {
"ownerWallet": "2qrWc9p5vatLH3kp4CiVXrdQ4V293d8qzmg4ziez6T4k",
"id": "magiceden",
"username": "magiceden"
"properties": {
"ownerWallet": "DPpSMtNnvwNeYhECNv125pfXqYbB2BKbFXaBnpwUc8Js",
"id": "idetssx",
"username": "idetssx"
"properties": {
"ownerWallet": "H2rVxNEiis9zkhxmjAsHrur3apwABxgKMAtj42P4YDDF",
"id": "pumptothemoon",
"username": "pumptothemoon"

From here, we can use the id or username to hyperlink to each additional user profile, enhancing discoverability inside our app.